The Proximity and Social Economy Ecosystem plays a pivotal role in fostering sustainable development across both rural and urban areas. By leveraging the unique strengths...
Financing the ecosystemUrban and Rural WellbeingProximity and social economy+8 več
The article delves into the transformative role of language in advancing a circular economy, highlighting the significance of redefining individuals from consumers to users. The...
Financing the ecosystemProximity and social economyAccess to Finance+20 več
Partnering of the corporate sector with social economy organisations creates a powerful synergy that can drive sustainable development and societal well-being. By combining the resources...
PartnershipsSkillsProximity and social economy+4 več
Join the Large-scale Skills Partnership for the Proximity and Social Economy ecosystem (LSP) an initiative of the Pact for Skills by the European Commission.
B-WISE final event entitled, ‘Boosting employment of workers with support needs and boosting skills for work integration’ presented the results of the project.
SkillsProximity and social economyAddressing capacity and skills gap+7 več
The fourth meeting of the Proximity and Social Economy LSP reviewed progress, introduced new initiatives, and shared updates on key projects, emphasising collaboration and skills...
PartnershipsRegenerative Green TransitionSkills+27 več
Digital transformation presents both challenges and opportunities for cooperatives, requiring a shift from individualistic to collectivistic leadership. Unlike traditional leadership, which focuses on individual managers...
SkillsTransformative Digital TransitionProximity and social economy+11 več