IFRA green chemistry compass: guiding sustainable fragrance innovation

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Editorial team
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Business Support Organization
The IFRA Green Chemistry Compass tool is intended to help manufacturers of fragrance ingredients of all sizes and in all geographies to integrate green chemistry principles across company platforms in the design of safer and more sustainable materials using the following approaches:
• Incorporate Green Chemistry Principles across company platforms and the life cycle of their products, ranging from ingredient sourcing to manufacturing, and considering health and safety into all product lines.
• Drive conscious and systematic ingredient choices that are less harmful to people and the planet.
• Benchmark their progress towards incorporating green chemistry stay ahead of regulations that are moving towards safer products.
• Instill a 'Safe and Sustainable by Design' mindset and gain brand recognition as applying sustainability principles in a systematic manner.
An open consultation on The IFRA Green Chemistry Compass closed on 20 October 2023. The responses received are being processed – with the goal to release the materials in the coming weeks / months so that they serve as referential to companies to encourage the uptake of more sustainable practices in the fragrance manufacturing process.
Editorial team
Business Support Organization
Policy type
Green transition
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