De Kringwinkel is a network of second-hand shops in Flanders that combines social inclusion and environmental sustainability. Founded in the late 1980s, it creates jobs...
Regenerative Green TransitionSkillsRetail+13 daugiau
Launched in 2021, the Fund for the Digital Republic is a five-year initiative with €350 million allocated to improve digital skills in Italy. The fund...
Financing the ecosystemSkillsTransformative Digital Transition+14 daugiau
This best practice exemplifies how local collaboration, and circular practices can foster a sustainable and resilient community. Materialenbank promotes sustainability by minimising construction waste and...
PartnershipsRegenerative Green TransitionUrban and Rural Wellbeing+19 daugiau
The collaboration between OpenDot and the TOG Foundation represents a successful example in the design and production of products tailored to children with a disadvantaged...
PartnershipsTransformative Digital TransitionUrban and Rural Wellbeing+14 daugiau
This case concerns a Brussels-based partnership between Urbike, which offers a bicycle delivery service, and Facq, which sells bathroom and heating accessories. Products are transported...
PartnershipsRegenerative Green TransitionUrban and Rural Wellbeing+13 daugiau
Énergie Partagée is an example of how data can drive the success of citizen-led energy projects. By centralising data collection through a dedicated platform, the...
Regenerative Green TransitionTransformative Digital TransitionDigital+10 daugiau offers a sustainable alternative to conventional short-term rental platforms by prioritising people over profit. It reinvests 50% of its fees into local community projects...
Regenerative Green TransitionTransformative Digital TransitionUrban and Rural Wellbeing+16 daugiau
The Data Food Consortium (DFC) is a collective initiative aimed at transforming the food system by promoting interoperability among short food supply chain platforms. By...
Transformative Digital TransitionAgri-foodProximity and social economy+10 daugiau
Dôme is a digital platform that connects individuals requiring care, their caregivers, and healthcare professionals to streamline and enhance home care services. It provides tools...
SkillsTransformative Digital TransitionDigital+16 daugiau