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Pledge formulated by BASQUETOUR, Basque Tourism Agency (Basque Government) (1)


Pledge formulated by BASQUETOUR, Basque Tourism Agency (Basque Government) (1)

Publishing organisations:

BASQUETOUR Basque Tourism Agency

Relevant countries:


Organisation types:

Academic/Research and VET Institutions

Publishing org

BASQUETOUR Basque Tourism Agency

Geographical descriptors


Organisation Type

Academic/Research and VET Institutions

Company with 250 or more employees

Consumer / tourist organisation

Cultural and Heritage Organisations

Destination Management & Marketing Organisations

EU institutions

Financial Institutions and Investors

Industry Associations and Chambers of Commerce

International Organisations

Local authorities

Media/Travel Journalist Organisations

National authorities

Networks and Federations / Confederations

NGOs / Non-profits

Regional authorities

SMEs (a company with less than 250 employees)

Trade Unions

  • Specific types of tourism

    • Adventure tourism

    • Coastal, maritime and inland water tourism

    • Cultural tourism

    • Ecotourism

    • Education tourism

    • Festival tourism

    • Gastronomy tourism

    • Health and medical tourism

    • MICE tourism

    • Mountain tourism

    • Religious tourism

    • Rural tourism

    • Sports tourism

    • Urban/city tourism

    • Wellness tourism

  • Transition Pathway Strategic Areas

    • Digitalisation of tourism SMEs and destinations

  • Business activities

    • Activities of amusement parks and theme parks

    • Activities of associations and other organisations supporting tourism

    • Air passenger transport

    • Camping grounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks

    • Events catering and other food services

    • Festivals, cultural and entertainment activities

    • Gardens and nature reserves activities

    • Holiday Housing / Apartments and other short stay accommodation

    • Hotel and similar accommodation

    • Mobile beverage services

    • Mobile food services

    • Museums

    • Operation of historical sites

    • Other

    • Other accommodation

    • Other amusement and recreation activities

    • Other food and beverage services

    • Other holiday reservation services

    • Other tourism transportation activities

    • Rail Passenger transport

    • Recreational and sport activities

    • Restaurants, cafes and bars (Food and Beverage serving activities)

    • Road passenger transport

    • Tour operator activities

    • Travel agency activities

    • Water (sea, coastal and inland) passenger transport


PROJECT 1: Destino Turístico Inteligente (DTI) - <translation: smart tourism destination project>

The smart tourist destinations project, promoted by the Secretary of State for Tourism and implemented through SEGITTUR, aims to be the locomotive for the promotion and promotion of the digital transformation of tourist destinations in Spain. At the same time, it is aimed to promote sustainable development of tourism and ensure the satisfaction of tourists and improve the living conditions of the population.

This project, is based on a tourism development model, that has an international recognition from such relevant organizations and institutions as the UNWTO, the OECD, the IDB or the WTTC, and that involves the concepts of governance, innovation, technology, sustainability and accessibility; to guarantee the present and future of tourism.

Euskadi - Basque Country region, through BASQUETOUR, has joined this pioneering project since 2018, in a long-term process. To date, 11 destinations have been distinguished and 4 more are in the process of distinction; with the long-tem strategy of being able to offer the rest of the basque destinations the possibility of participating in this project.

Furthermore, this distinction can be complemented, among others, with the UNE178501 standard, related to tourism destinations.

* MILESTONE 2025: 15 basque destination distinguished (which means over 50% of the basque destinations)

PROJECT 2: Empresa Turística Inteligente (ETI) - <translation: smart tourism company project>

The Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE) has published the new Standard UNE 178510, related to tourism companies and promoted by Secretary of State for Tourism through SEGITTUR.

The UNE 178510 Standard is aligned with the UNE 178501 Standard, which established a smart destination management system based on the axes of governance, innovation, technology, accessibility and sustainability. This model now extends from the destination to the tourism company with the aim of connecting and generate synergies between both. Now, companies have a tool that accompanies them in their conversion into an smart tourism company.

Thus, the new standard follows the same axes as an smart tourist destinations, highlighting the value of the use of data in decision-making to promote innovation, efficiency and competitiveness of the tourism industry. Compliance with the established criteria promotes the integration of companies into the smart destination ecosystem, guiding them in their digital and sustainable transformation.

This new standard has been developed in the Technical Standardization Subcommittee CTN-UNE 178/SC5 Smart Tourist Destinations, chaired by SEGITTUR, where, among other agents, BASQUETOUR has participated and will promote the development of collaborative pilot projects in its territory; while working with the Secretary of State of Tourism on complementary distinctions.

* MILESTONE 2025: pilot project - detailed methodology development and 10 entities certified through its implementation

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