Pledge formulated by Torino Social Impact
Publishing organisations:
Torino Social Impact
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Organisation types:
Social Economy Entity
The Social Stock Exchange aims at piloting a capital market dedicated to social enterprises that intentionally, additionally, and measurably achieve positive social impact. A simulated listing process of 8 pilot social enterprises has been completed and within the end of 2023 the business model for a new branch of the mainstream stock exchange system or for a new dedicated company will be delivered. This project can concretely boost a shift in the way private capital is channeled towards the social economy with a mechanism by which transactions are based on both financial and measured social impact values. The project is financed by Torino Chamber of Commerce and by Foundation Compagnia di San Paolo, it has already involved 150 financial, legal and SE experts who will continue to collaborate pro bono together with several institutions.
Torino Social Impact
Social Economy Entity
Thematic area
Financing the ecosystem
Regenerative Green Transition
Interlinkages with other sectors
Proximity and social economy
Action areas and keywords
Creating financial incentives and supportive regulation for green and circular social economy business models
Ecosystem focus
Social economy
Scope of activity
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See also
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