Pledge formulated by Torino Social Impact
Publishing organisations:
Torino Social Impact
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Organisation types:
Social Economy Entity
Torino Social Impact, a local platform composed of 260 members aimed at fostering the social economy, is working (2023-2024) to boost collaboration within the local social economy ecosystem by reaching 300 members within 2024 and by launching within 2023 at least 6 communities of practice focused on peer-learning activities, solutions co-design, b2b meetings. Torino Social Imapct is also going to increase communication activities and networking among European social economy actors in order to replicate its model and promote social economy hubs as tools to pool resources and enable multi stakeholder partnerships for innovation.
Torino Social Impact
Social Economy Entity
Thematic area
Interlinkages with other sectors
Proximity and social economy
Action areas and keywords
Innovation as enabler for green transition and business development in the social economy
Ecosystem focus
Social economy
Scope of activity
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