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EU Tourism Platform

Pledge formulated by Visit Flanders (1)


Pledge formulated by Visit Flanders (1)

Publishing organisations:

Visit Flanders

Relevant countries:


Organisation types:

Academic/Research and VET Institutions

Fixed target date:


Publishing org

Visit Flanders

Geographical descriptors


Organisation Type

Academic/Research and VET Institutions

Company with 250 or more employees

Consumer / tourist organisation

Cultural and Heritage Organisations

Destination Management & Marketing Organisations

EU institutions

Financial Institutions and Investors

Industry Associations and Chambers of Commerce

International Organisations

Local authorities

Media/Travel Journalist Organisations

National authorities

Networks and Federations / Confederations

NGOs / Non-profits

Regional authorities

SMEs (a company with less than 250 employees)

Trade Unions

  • Specific types of tourism

    • Adventure tourism

    • Coastal, maritime and inland water tourism

    • Cultural tourism

    • Ecotourism

    • Education tourism

    • Festival tourism

    • Gastronomy tourism

    • Health and medical tourism

    • MICE tourism

    • Mountain tourism

    • Religious tourism

    • Rural tourism

    • Sports tourism

    • Urban/city tourism

    • Wellness tourism

  • Transition Pathway Strategic Areas

    • Improving statistics and indicators

  • Business activities

    • Activities of amusement parks and theme parks

    • Activities of associations and other organisations supporting tourism

    • Air passenger transport

    • Camping grounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks

    • Events catering and other food services

    • Festivals, cultural and entertainment activities

    • Gardens and nature reserves activities

    • Holiday Housing / Apartments and other short stay accommodation

    • Hotel and similar accommodation

    • Mobile beverage services

    • Mobile food services

    • Museums

    • Operation of historical sites

    • Other

    • Other accommodation

    • Other amusement and recreation activities

    • Other food and beverage services

    • Other holiday reservation services

    • Other tourism transportation activities

    • Rail Passenger transport

    • Recreational and sport activities

    • Restaurants, cafes and bars (Food and Beverage serving activities)

    • Road passenger transport

    • Tour operator activities

    • Travel agency activities

    • Water (sea, coastal and inland) passenger transport


The actions below are all linked to measurable targets in our sustainability plan. Collecting data is not a goal itself but serves as a way of measuring the actual goal. 

Goal ACCESSIBILITY: The satisfaction score of international residential tourists with regard to the hospitality of the local population in the art cities, regions and the coast amounts to at least 200 (in the Travelsat statistics, currently 170).

Action regarding data collection: 
2.1.6 We are developing a method to determine satisfaction with the hospitality of the local population in the regions and at the coast.

- The share of residential tourists in art cities that travel by car (currently 46%) and train (regular trains + HST, currently 41%) is reversed by 2030.
- At least 15% of residential tourists in the Flemish regions staying in a hotel or B&B travel by public transport and/or bicycle by 2030 (currently 8% for hotels and 6% for B&Bs)
- At least 25% of residential tourists at the coast staying in commercial accommodation travel by train in 2030 (currently 14%).

Action regarding data collection: 
2.2.5 We develop a method to establish satisfaction with public transport of residential tourists in the regions and at the coast.

- Entrepreneurs, visitors and residents have access to transparent and unambiguous information about the sustainability efforts of Visit Flanders, which it reports on every year.

Action regarding data collection: 
2.3.6 Sustainability performance is monitored and communicated either annually or, where possible, on a permanent basis, to the sector, residents and our visitors. These indicators are a.o.:
- The use of energy and water offer
- waste consumption of our tourism offer
- the number of Green Key and Blue Flag Certifications
- the number of accessibility certifications in Flemish accommodation and congress venues
- Our Travelsat score for hospitality, public transportation satisfaction
- The share of visitors coming by train and car
- Satisfaction about sustainability information that we offer
- Some of the scores of our Destination Barometer and Resident Survey (find links below)
- The GHG emissions produced by our foreign visitors and accommodations

- Consumption of energy and water
- Production of waste
- Share of renewable materials used for exhibitions, goodie bags,...

- The material footprint of tourism businesses decreases by 30% by 2030. 

Action regarding data collection: 
2.4.12 We develop a method to estimate the material footprint and waste production of our tourism industry wherever possible. This allows us to develop SMART objectives for waste management.

Goal GHG Emissions
- Greenhouse gas emissions generated by the movements of our foreign visitors fall by 25% by 2030, compared to 2019. Emissions resulting from their stay drop by 50% by 2030.

Action regarding data collection: 
2.6.3 We continue to monitor the carbon footprint of our visitors and organisation.
2.6.4 We measure the emissions resulting from our events, whether organised by us or co-organised within our themes and develop guidelines to reduce this impact.

- The consumption of drinking water at our office and assets is reduced by 40% by 2030 and 20% by 2024.

Action regarding data collection: 
3.2.2 We monitor water consumption at our office, if possible also at our foreign offices and our assets.

- Domestic waste at our office and assets decreases by 75% by 2030 and is collected after being fully sorted in the right way.
- We reduce the material footprint of our internal organisation by 30% by 2030.

Actions regarding data collection: 
3.1.4 We monitor the material footprint of our assets and draw up a programme to reduce it in association with Vlaanderen Circulair.
3.3.2 We monitor the energy consumption and emissions of our office, if possible our foreign offices, and all our sites.

The actions above are additional data we collect besides 
- our biannual resident survey: 
- our destination barometer:

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See also

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Relevant countries: Belgium

Organisation types: Academic/Research and VET Institutions

Fixed target date:

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Relevant countries: Belgium

Organisation types: Academic/Research and VET Institutions

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