Best practices
18 January 2025
Slovenian ESOP Model and the Institute for Economic Democracy
Best practices
18 January 2025
Financing the ecosystem
Working conditions and governance
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The Institute for Economic Democracy (IED) is a non-profit organization that strives to advance economic democracy in Slovenia and the wider region. Since 2018, it has been actively promoting the introduction of policies that would help develop employee ownership through research, consulting and advocacy.
Academic/Research and VET Institutions
Business Support Organization
Company with 250 or more employees
Consumer / tourist organisation
Cultural and Heritage Organisations
Destination Management & Marketing Organisations
EU institutions
Financial Institutions and Investors
Industry Associations and Chambers of Commerce
International Organisations
Local authorities
Media/Travel Journalist Organisations
National authorities
Networks and Federations / Confederations
NGOs / Non-profits
Regional authorities
SMEs (a company with less than 250 employees)
Social Economy Entity
Trade Unions
Thematic area
Financing the ecosystem
Working conditions and governance
Interlinkages with other sectors
Aerospace and defence
Cultural and creative industries
Energy intensive industries
Mobility, transport, automotive
Proximity and social economy
Action areas and keywords
Access to Finance
Access to technology
Addressing capacity and skills gap
Advancing gender equality and safety at work
Boosting digital skills by - and in the social economy
Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
Creating financial incentives and supportive regulation for green and circular social economy business models
Data Maturity and data driven business models
Data sharing, Data management & Code of Conduct
Economic democracy
Greening infrastructures and business operations
ICP rights & workers involvement
Industrial relation and social dialogue
Innovation as enabler for green transition and business development in the social economy
Local Green Deals, green business communities and citizens’ initiatives
New business models – the platform economy
Other action area
Public and private tech partnerships and support
Reinforcing Business to Business collaboration for greener and circular value chains
Social Finance
Supporting Digital Social Innovation & Tech for Good entrepreneurship
Sustainable Finance
Ecosystem focus
Proximity economy
Social economy
Scope of activity
Among the institute’s most important achievements is the social innovation eurESOP: a democratic and sustainable employee ownership model that builds on the experience and corrects the problems of the most successful employee co-ownership models (including the American ESOP, the British EOT and the Spanish Mondragon). eurESOP was recognized as a good practice in the recent European Commission report “Transition Pathway for Proximity and Social Economy”. It is also the winner of the SozialMarie Award for Social Innovation.
Despite the fact that the eurESOP model was successfully implemented in three Slovenian companies in the last year, it remains a tax-unfavorable solution due to inadequate legislative regulation. As practices from abroad demonstrate, an appropriate supportive environment – and especially tax incentives – is a basic condition for the widespread introduction of employee ownership models. With the aim of developing such an environment in Slovenia, IED, in cooperation with the Ministry of a Sustainable Future and the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, has prepared a bill that would regulate and tax incentivise the eurESOP model.
Despite the fact that the eurESOP model is the result of many years of cooperation between leading experts in the field of employee ownership and has already been recognised as good practice abroad, since the announcement of the law, it has become the target of unfounded criticism in Slovenia, which stems mainly from a lack of understanding of the field of employee ownership and is based on widespread prejudices. The spread of these untruths threatens the smooth running of the public debate on the bill and undermines the efforts of civil society, politics and the economy to regulate the field of employee ownership in Slovenia according to the model of the most advanced economies in the world.
The campaign aims to ensure that the public and key stakeholders in the economy, socio-economic world and politics, whose support will be crucial for the success of the bill, are well informed about the eurESOP model and employee ownership in general. The campaign includes publishing informative posts on social media, including infographics, explanatory videos and interactive posts on the topic of economic democracy, and key stakeholders will also be addressed through special editions of the IED newsletter explaining how the law works.
Original source in Slovenian here and more information IED website: Best Practice: Employee Ownership Trust - How are the British EOT and the Slovenian ESOP similar and different?
Read more about Employee Ownership: an intergenerational industrial transition and inclusive growth model.
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