Pledge formulated by Ile-de-France Europe (4)
Publishing organisations:
Ile-de-France Europe
Relevant countries:
Organisation types:
Academic/Research and VET Institutions
Ile-de-France Europe
Academic/Research and VET Institutions
Company with 250 or more employees
Consumer / tourist organisation
Cultural and Heritage Organisations
Destination Management & Marketing Organisations
EU institutions
Financial Institutions and Investors
Industry Associations and Chambers of Commerce
International Organisations
Local authorities
Media/Travel Journalist Organisations
National authorities
Networks and Federations / Confederations
NGOs / Non-profits
Regional authorities
SMEs (a company with less than 250 employees)
Trade Unions
Specific types of tourism
Adventure tourism
Coastal, maritime and inland water tourism
Cultural tourism
Education tourism
Festival tourism
Gastronomy tourism
Health and medical tourism
MICE tourism
Mountain tourism
Religious tourism
Rural tourism
Sports tourism
Urban/city tourism
Wellness tourism
Transition Pathway Strategic Areas
Governance of tourism destinations
Business activities
Activities of amusement parks and theme parks
Activities of associations and other organisations supporting tourism
Air passenger transport
Camping grounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks
Events catering and other food services
Festivals, cultural and entertainment activities
Gardens and nature reserves activities
Holiday Housing / Apartments and other short stay accommodation
Hotel and similar accommodation
Mobile beverage services
Mobile food services
Operation of historical sites
Other accommodation
Other amusement and recreation activities
Other food and beverage services
Other holiday reservation services
Other tourism transportation activities
Rail Passenger transport
Recreational and sport activities
Restaurants, cafes and bars (Food and Beverage serving activities)
Road passenger transport
Tour operator activities
Travel agency activities
Water (sea, coastal and inland) passenger transport
In order to restore Île-de-France's position as the world's leading tourism destination, the Region proposes to set up a Destination Committee, bringing together professionals, territories and institutions to strengthen dialogue between them.
Depuis le début de la crise sanitaire, le renforcement du dialogue entre la Région et l’ensemble des acteurs du tourisme a été un objectif constant. Forte de cet engagement et des contributions des acteurs exprimées lors des phases de concertation, la Région entend conforter ce dialogue, levier essentiel de la capacité collective de résilience de l’écosystème du tourisme francilien.
Il s’agit d’accompagner de très près la transition durable et digitale de l’économie touristique régionale et de redonner à l’Île-de-France sa place de première destination mondiale du tourisme. En ce sens, la Région propose, sur une suggestion des acteurs du territoire lors des phases de concertation de la co-construction du nouveau Schéma régional de développement du tourisme et de loisirs, de mettre en place un Comité de destination, rassemblant les professionnels, les territoires franciliens et les institutionnels de la destination. Ce comité, qui sera réuni a minima annuellement, aura plusieurs objectifs :
- Faire le point sur la fréquentation touristique et ses évolutions, afin d’adapter la stratégie régionale et celles des partenaires territoriaux locaux si cela s’avère nécessaire ;
- Mobiliser les partenaires institutionnels et professionnels de la Région pour participer de façon concrète à la mise en œuvre du Schéma régional de développement du tourisme et des loisirs, dans le respect des stratégies de chacun et au plus près des besoins des professionnels de la destination ;
- Partager les éléments d’évaluation d’un certain nombre d’actions partenariales.
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See also
Pledge formulated by Bordeaux Tourism & Conventions (4)
Publishing organisations: Bordeaux Tourism & Conventions
Relevant countries: France
Organisation types: Academic/Research and VET Institutions
- Categories
- Coastal, maritime and inland water tourism Cultural tourism Ecotourism +38 plus
Pledge formulated by Nice Cote d'Azur Metropolitan Convention and Visitors Bureau (1)
Publishing organisations: Nice Cote d'Azur Metropolitan Convention and Visitors Bureau
Relevant countries: France
Organisation types: Academic/Research and VET Institutions
- Categories
- Coastal, maritime and inland water tourism Cultural tourism Ecotourism +38 plus
Pledge formulated by Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication in Estonia (6)
Publishing organisations: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications in Estonia
Relevant countries: Estonia
Organisation types: Academic/Research and VET Institutions
Fixed target date:
- Categories
- Coastal, maritime and inland water tourism Cultural tourism Ecotourism +38 plus