According to statistics, 91% of trips in Slovenia in 2023 were for personal reasons, with tourists spending an average of EUR 382 per overnight stay...
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Tourism indicators show that in February 2024, Spain experienced the highest number of tourist accommodations since August 2020, mainly in Andalusia, Valencian Community, and Catalonia.
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Tourism indicators show that in April 2024, bus and train passenger numbers in Spain increased significantly compared to 2019, with medium-length routes being the most...
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According to statistics, the total number of passengers in Spanish state-owned ports during the first four months of 2024 was 9.5 million, marking a 75.9%...
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Tourism indicators show that in May 2022, foreign tourists in Slovenia spent most on accommodation and food, with a slight increase in spending on cultural...
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According to statistics, the number of air transport passengers in Spain grew by 11.9% to 86.4 million in early 2024, with 66.2% traveling on international...
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According to statistics, foreign tourists rated nearly all aspects of Slovenia’s tourism as “Very good” between April and May 2022, with the natural environment receiving...
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Tourism indicators reveal that as of May 2024, 2.9 million people worked in Spain’s tourism sector, with 51.5% in food and beverage services and 20.2%...
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According to statistics, between April and May 2022, 35.2% of foreign tourists in Slovenia visited for holidays and leisure, with private purposes making up 81.7%...
Adventure tourismCoastal, maritime and inland water tourismCultural tourism+16 още