Provide technical assistance for tourism SMEs to improve their resilience, crisis preparedness and response to crises, and to ensure their capacity to take advantage of...
Adventure tourismCoastal, maritime and inland water tourismCultural tourism+16 mere
Prioritise the available funding from national and regional operational programmes to support resilience building and crisis preparedness for tourism authorities at local/regional levels and for...
Adventure tourismCoastal, maritime and inland water tourismCultural tourism+16 mere
Develop and deliver training programmes, adapted learning material and promote knowledge sharing and collaboration to build capacity for public and private sector and tourism professionals...
Adventure tourismCoastal, maritime and inland water tourismCultural tourism+16 mere
The European Parliament's study outlines how EU Cohesion Policy can enhance climate adaptation, regional resilience, and economic sustainability by identifying needs, mapping instruments, and recommending...
Adventure tourismCoastal, maritime and inland water tourismCultural tourism+41 mere
Optimise at national, regional and local levels (leveraging vertical coordination mechanisms) the reach of existing public communication mechanisms for crisis communication and information (also considering...
Adventure tourismCoastal, maritime and inland water tourismCultural tourism+16 mere
Create and regularly update a Crisis Management Plan for each key destination, leveraging both horizontal and vertical tourism coordination mechanisms together with a pre-defined set...
Adventure tourismCoastal, maritime and inland water tourismCultural tourism+16 mere
Develop or revise destination-specific tourism strategies (leveraging vertical and horizontal coordination mechanisms) to define objectives and initiatives that align with national/regional/local tourism policy, which consider...
Adventure tourismCoastal, maritime and inland water tourismCultural tourism+16 mere