IFRA standards & RIFM assessments: ensuring safe fragrance use for 50 years

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Business Support Organization
IFRA Code of Practice & IFRA Standards/ RIFM safety assessments: for 50 years, IFRA has advanced the safe use of fragrance ingredients, implementing an efficient fragrance industry’s product stewardship programme (PSP) for the assessment of the safety of fragrance substances. This PSP is a “self-regulating” initiative laid down in the IFRA Code of Practice ( The IFRA Standards ban, limit, or set purity criteria for the use of certain fragrance ingredients. The IFRA Standards are based on the safety assessments performed by the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM - Its methodologies are periodically reviewed and adapted based on new scientific insights and new available techniques (incl. New Approach Methodologies (NAMs)). On June 30, 2023, IFRA issued notification of the new regular multi-ingredient update to the Standards, which is the 51st Amendment (link here: IFRA website). The IFRA Scientific team is now working on the next Amendment. Its Consultation should happen in 2025 and the Notification is expected in 2026.
Editorial team
Business Support Organization
Policy type
Cross-cutting policy
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