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IFRA’s SSbD case study: advancing safe and sustainable fragrance innovation


IFRA’s SSbD case study: advancing safe and sustainable fragrance innovation

Publishing organisations:

Editorial team

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Organisation types:

Business Support Organization

IFRA is actively engaged in the development of the “Safe and Sustainable by Design” (SSbD) process and criteria, in collaboration with DG RTD, the IRISS Project (The InteRnatIonal ecosystem for accelerating the transition to Safe-and-Sustainable-by-design materials, products and processes) and relevant stakeholders. In this context, IFRA will be submitting a fragrance value chain case-study, with one fragrance ingredient (methyl salicylate), two different sources (natural and synthetic origin) and two different final uses (cosmetic product and detergent). The aim of this case study will be to evaluate the feasibility and applicability of the SSbD Framework in the design and assessment phases of the selected fragrance ingredient, to identify opportunities, and limitations of the framework and to help better refine it for improved applicability in a wide range of companies, from large to small. The case study would be developed throughout the whole fragrance value chain together. IFRA’s goal is to finalise and release its case-study on Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) by mid-2024, in order to share it with the European Commission (DG RTD and the JRC) at the Commission’s workshop in Q4 2024 as part of the SSbD framework testing period (ending in December 2024).

Publishing org

Editorial team

Geographical descriptors


Organisation Type

Business Support Organization

  • Policy type

    • Green transition


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