Discover 55 sustainable destinations recognised by UN Tourism as the Best Tourism Villages of 2024, and learn from the best practices in sustainable tourism and...
Adventure tourismCultural tourismEcotourism+8 altro
Discover Europe's top cities for green transportation, ranked by the Smart City Expo World Congress, and get inspired for sustainable travel this Christmas or in...
Urban/city tourismChanges in tourism demand and opportunitiesSustainable mobility+2 altro
Learn about the Maramureș County Council's pledge to transform tourism education by 2030 through strategic partnerships with educational institutions and expert consultancy.
Adventure tourismCoastal, maritime and inland water tourismCultural tourism+39 altro
Learn how Germany's Müritzhof Knust fosters inclusive tourism transformations by actively involving employees with diverse mental and physical disabilities and varying educational backgrounds.
Adventure tourismCoastal, maritime and inland water tourismCultural tourism+18 altro
Explore CHARTER's key recommendations aimed at enhancing European cultural heritage by addressing challenges in education, skills development, and workforce needs.
Cultural tourismImproving formal educationOnline visibility of tourism offer+6 altro
Discover three practical tips for reducing your carbon footprint while travelling, provided by The Conversation and an expert from Vaal University of Technology.
Adventure tourismCoastal, maritime and inland water tourismCultural tourism+29 altro