The project aimed to enhance tourism and improve the cross-border labor market in the Czech-Polish region by revitalizing three chateaux and creating a unique cultural...
Adventure tourismCoastal, maritime and inland water tourismCultural tourism+17 mehr
The project sought to strengthen collaboration in ecotourism between the cross-border regions of Slovakia and Austria, emphasizing the development of nature tourism and the enhancement...
EcotourismCross-border travellingWell-being of residents+1 mehr
The project improved Latvia's tourism competitiveness by implementing marketing campaigns, supporting local businesses, and participating in international fairs, increasing tourism exports and local attractions.
Adventure tourismCoastal, maritime and inland water tourismCultural tourism+17 mehr
RESTwithEU aims to empower restaurants to mitigate food waste through sustainable practices that lead to both environmental benefits and significant cost savings. By implementing innovative...
Gastronomy tourismDigitalisation of tourism SMEs and destinationsGreen Transition of Tourism Companies and SMEs+2 mehr
The completed project aimed to enhance the capacities of European Cultural Routes in promoting shared cultural heritage by addressing challenges in visitor engagement and collaboration.
Cultural tourismBest practices, peer learning and networkingTraining opportunities+6 mehr
The project aimed to raise awareness and appreciation of industrial heritage as a prominent cultural and tourism asset, while also engaging younger generations and tackling...
Cultural tourismBest practices, peer learning and networkingDigitalisation of tourism SMEs and destinations+4 mehr
The completed EYSET project aimed to empower youth organizations to support young social entrepreneurs in tourism, focusing on inclusion and cooperation across the EU and...
Adventure tourismCoastal, maritime and inland water tourismCultural tourism+19 mehr
The completed DBAN project aimed to foster a sustainable and digitalized blue economy in the Black Sea region by accelerating digital blue innovations and supporting...
Coastal, maritime and inland water tourismEcotourismBest practices, peer learning and networking+7 mehr