Tourism indicators show that in 2023, domestic travelers made up 56.5% of accommodation demand in the Czech Republic, with guest numbers nearly returning to pre-pandemic...
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The 2024-2025 Czech action plan for tourism development outlines specific initiatives to support the recovery and sustainable tourism, detailing measures, activities, implementation methods, responsible parties...
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The 2021 Czech Republic’s Strategy presents a comprehensive framework for sustainable tourism growth, aiming to boost tourism’s GDP contribution and employment, emphasizing community engagement and...
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The Croatian National Plan for the Development of Sustainable Tourism until 2027 outlines a strategic framework focused on sustainability, innovation in tourism, green transition, and...
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Croatia’s tourism development strategy aims to position Croatia as a leading model for sustainable tourism, focusing on well-being, heritage preservation, and climate change impacts.
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The report outlines strategic proposals for sustainable tourism growth up to 2040, focusing on infrastructure enhancement and diversification of tourism offerings.
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Italy's tourism development plan for South Tyrol until 2030 provides a comprehensive guide for sustainable, balanced, and landscape-friendly tourism growth, emphasizing sustainable tourism and cultural...
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Tourism indicators reveal comprehensive information about regional accommodation trends with the South Bohemian Region hosting 12.4% of Czech accommodation establishments.
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Tourism indicators reveal that in 2023 boarding houses, three-star hotels, motels, and botels made up 57.3% of Czech lodging facilities, with a total of 10,293...
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Tourism indicators reveal that in 2023, conferences in Czech Republic’s collective accommodations reached 81.8% of pre-pandemic levels, with most held in four-star hotels.
MICE tourismCoordinated information on travellingImproving statistics and indicators+5 mehr