The project seeks to incorporate Intangible Cultural Heritage into Cultural Heritage Tourism by utilizing innovative co-creation processes, thereby promoting sustainability and empowering communities.
Coastal, maritime and inland water tourismCultural tourismDigitalisation of tourism SMEs and destinations+8 περισσότερα
The project aims to empower grassroots cultural organizations and emerging creative practitioners to promote sustainable cultural tourism in Ancona, Lesvos, and Faro through blue innovation...
Coastal, maritime and inland water tourismCultural tourismInnovative tourism services+7 περισσότερα
The project seeks to boost innovation and sustainability in cultural tourism by promoting collaboration and entrepreneurship through design-driven innovation, an online platform, and events, supported...
Cultural tourismInnovative tourism servicesSustainable mobility+6 περισσότερα
The project seeks to convert traditional museums into inclusive, innovative spaces that captivate diverse audiences and advance sustainable tourism through digitalization, gamification, and collaboration with...
Cultural tourismAccessible tourism servicesBest practices, peer learning and networking+6 περισσότερα
The FRH-UNITE project seeks to preserve Europe’s cultural and historical heritage, particularly religious sites, by promoting awareness, boosting climate action efforts, and encouraging collaboration through...
Cultural tourismReligious tourismBest practices, peer learning and networking+4 περισσότερα
The project aims to align cultural organizations with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through creative events and training initiatives across five European countries, enhancing sustainability...
Cultural tourismBest practices, peer learning and networkingSustainable mobility+3 περισσότερα
The Small Festivals Accelerator (SMA!) project, funded by the EU, aims to develop a sustainable business model for small festivals in peripheral areas, focusing on...
Festival tourismBest practices, peer learning and networkingSustainable mobility+2 περισσότερα
The AquaWind project is developing the W2Power floating platform, combining offshore renewable energy and aquaculture to support sustainable Blue Economy growth.
Coastal, maritime and inland water tourismEcotourismGovernance of tourism destinations+4 περισσότερα
The fuTOURiSME project supports tourism SMEs in their digital and sustainable transitions post-COVID-19 through training, expert support, and best practices.
Adventure tourismCoastal, maritime and inland water tourismCultural tourism+43 περισσότερα