The Province of South Holland’s Program Space (2016-2021) translated spatial planning goals into policies focused on protecting cultural heritage and green spaces.
Cultural tourismTourism strategiesWell-being of residents+1 mehr
The EU-funded DESTINATIONS project aimed to enhance sustainable mobility in Mediterranean tourist towns by providing green, smart, and flexible transportation solutions to address the transportation...
Adventure tourismCoastal, maritime and inland water tourismCultural tourism+20 mehr
SHARE (2017-2020) exchanged experiences in cultural heritage policies to develop sustainable management practices and integrate them into regional policies.
Cultural tourismUrban/city tourismImproving formal education+5 mehr
The OUR WAY project, supported by the Interreg Europe programme, aimed to conserve, protect, promote, and develop Europe’s natural and cultural heritage through Greenways.
Adventure tourismCultural tourismEcotourism+10 mehr
The Thematic Trail Trigger (ThreeT) project, supported by the Interreg Europe programme, aimed to enhance eight policy instruments for protecting and promoting natural and cultural...
Adventure tourismCultural tourismEcotourism+15 mehr
The MOMAr project, funded by the Interreg Europe programme, aimed to preserve cultural identities and engage local residents in strategy development for managing cultural and...
Rural tourismGovernance of tourism destinationsTourism strategies+5 mehr
The INHERIT project, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and concluded in November 2022, aimed to conserve and enhance the natural heritage of MED...
Coastal, maritime and inland water tourismBest practices, peer learning and networkingGovernance of tourism destinations+4 mehr