Don't miss the chance to attend our upcoming webinar, which will explore the importance of harmonised data sharing within the EU and the benefits of...
Adventure tourismCoastal, maritime and inland water tourismCultural tourism+65 daugiau
Explore EFFAT pledges to assist national member organisations in effectively implementing the EU Regulation on data sharing for short-term accommodation rentals.
Adventure tourismCoastal, maritime and inland water tourismCultural tourism+39 daugiau
Explore how IULM University, in collaboration with its partners, created one of the world’s first mixed reality theatre experiences, making it accessible to people with...
Cultural tourismAccessible tourism servicesInnovative tourism services+3 daugiau
Christian Estrosi, the Mayor of Nice, has reconsidered his ban on large cruise ships in Villefranche-sur-Mer after opposition, with a revised plan focused on balancing...
Coastal, maritime and inland water tourismGovernance of tourism destinationsWater (sea, coastal and inland) passenger transport
Enhance your understanding of the European Accessibility Act, which mandates improved access to key products and services for persons with disabilities.
Adventure tourismCoastal, maritime and inland water tourismCultural tourism+40 daugiau
The deadline for stakeholders to submit feedback on the first draft of the Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) for EU hotel accommodation has been...
Adventure tourismCoastal, maritime and inland water tourismCultural tourism+65 daugiau